
nwbcc christmas party 033a

The Northwest Bearded Collie Club of Puget Sound (NWBCCPS) is composed of members in and around Washington and Oregon. Here on our website, you can find information about all things Beardie: conformation, agility, herding, grooming, the BCCA breed standard, litter listings, and a Northwest news and events calendar.

The NWBCCPS was formed by a group of Bearded Collie Fanciers in the early 1980s. Since that time, the club has grown in size and scope. The NWBCCPS has an active annual schedule, which includes diverse events that appeal to a broad range of interests. All NWBCCPS events are open to the public, and attending an event is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the breed.

The club’s mission is to promote and protect the Bearded Collie, and to that end, the club is the major underwriter of Beardie Rescue in the Pacific Northwest, as well as a visible and active entity promoting education, responsible ownership and mentoring to the public.

To learn more, or to join the club, please plan to attend an upcoming event or  visit the About Us/Membership page.  You may also contact any of the officers or board members for more information about the club.